Student Solution


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Death Journal 11

Death Journal 11

Q For this week's journal, reflect on something that stood out to you from the assigned book in the class. This can be a specific concept, theory, or discussion of a topic. Be sure to cite pg. #s from the text in your response.

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From all the chapters, something that caught my attention was the one that talks about the relationship between the living and the dead. For was wonderful to learn about how every culture has a different way to connect with their dead. One of the traditions that caught my attention was "el dia de Muerto" for many reasons. One is because I am from Latin American and even in my country it is not a famous holiday. I think it is interesting how that is performed around the world. We always think of death as something unfortunate, and what I like about the tradition of the Day of the Dead is that it allows us to remember our loved ones happy.